Hugh Sills, CPA, Inc.
Business Valuation Services
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Mr Sills began providing business valuation services as early as 1995.  Since 1997, Mr Sills has carried the professional designation of Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA).  The CVA designation is a symbol of recognition and further exemplifies Mr. Sills' professional commitment, skills, and abilities in rendering opinions of value for closely held (typically non-public) enterprises.
Mr Sills has been involved in developing valuation opinions for more than fifty enterprises in a wide range of industries.  The opinions of value were provided in connection with a variety of uses.  The following is a partial listing of the various Industries and Uses for which Mr Sills has provided Business Valuation Services:

  • Medical and Dental Profession (various specialties)
  • Legal Profession
  • Architectural Profession
  • Medical Device Manufacturing
  • Medical Implantation Device
  • Family Limited Partnerships
  • Investment Companies
  • High Technology Development and Manufacturing Industry
  • Microwave Transmission Technologies Industry
  • Information Technology Company
  • Security Device Manufacturing
  • Security Access Electronic Device Technologies Industry
  • Industrial Fasteners Industry
  • Cosmetics Manufacturing Industry
  • Sports Related Equipment Manufacturing Industry
  • Retail Establishments
  • Contractors, Sub-Contractors
  • Specialized Food Industry Products
  • Fish Farming Global Operations
  • Garment Dyeing, Embellishing

  • Expert Witness Services
  • Issuance of Stock Options (IRC Section 409(a))
  • Corporate Restructuring / Stock Repurchase
  • Investment Acquisition Considerations / Risk Analysis 
  • Estate and Gift Planning
  • Post Mortem Estate Valuations