Hugh Sills, CPA, Inc.
Global Considerations
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"The World is Becoming a Much Smaller Place"    - Anonymous

Whether you are an employee, your business is a community based retail or service establishment, or a regional or national enterprise; the chances that you are/will be doing business globally increase daily.  There are many areas where we may be of assistance when it comes to global considerations in your business.

A few examples of where we can assist you and/or your business with Global matters:     
  • Income Taxation:  We can advise you and assist you in planning when it comes to the applicability of the U.S. Taxation Laws with respect to a variety of matters.  These tax matters range from issues such as US Taxpayers working abroad; to US Taxpayers (individuals, corporations, etc.) doing business with others in the global markets - and everything in between.  Depending on your specific situation, and the nature of your transactions, we may be able to help you save significant amounts of tax with the appropriate planning.
  • Consulting Services:  Having had significant experience in the global market, we can consult with and advise you on an array of aspects to further your goals and objectives for a successful and profitable venture.